dinsdag 28 november 2017

Een boek om naar uit te kijken: Luisa Simonutti, "Spinoza on God"

In de Ashgate Studies in the History of Philosophical Theology Series zal – daar wees Ferdie Fluitsma mij op - verschijnen:
Luisa Simonutti, Spinoza on God. Routledge [Ashgate Studies in the History of Philosophical Theology Series], 27 Apr 2019 [maar je komt ook tegen 2018], 224 pp.
Uit haar cv en publicatielijst bij het Istituto per la storia del pensiero filosofico e scientifico moderno (ISPF) in Milaan [cf. html in ’t Italiaans of PDF in ’t Engels] blijkt dat we heel wat van haar mogen verwachten. Op haar pagina bij academia.edu schrijft ze:
Luisa Simonutti is Primo ricercatore (senior research fellow) in philosophy at the Italian National Council for Scientific Research (CNR) in Milan. Her interests cover numerous aspects of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century philosophy and religion; Her focus lying not only on thinkers such as Spinoza, Locke or Bayle and Hume, but also on figures still largely consigned to the fringe of scholarship in spite of their importance for cultural transfer and in the field of the history of emotions in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. She is the editor of numerous books including, recently, La centralità del dubbio (Florence: Olschki, 2011); Anomalie dell'ordine. L'altro, lo straordinario, l'eccezionale nella modernità. (Roma: Aracne, 2013); Religious obedience and political resistance in the early modern world Jewish, Christian and Islamic philosophers addressing the Bible (Thurnhout: Brepols, 2014) and Le masque de l’écriture. Philosophie et traduction de la Renaissance aux Lumières (Genève: Droz, 2015).

In de beschrijving bij de uitgever is over het komende boek te lezen
In the course of the last fifty years studies on Spinoza's God have been principally concentrated on an analysis of the strictly metaphysical aspects of the concept of divinity and have been fragmentary and sporadic in their analysis of Spinoza's work. Filling a gap in the historical and critical investigation of the question of God in Spinoza, this book takes explores parts of Spinoza's works hitherto neglected in this context - works such as the Theological-Political Treatise and the Epistolae - and reconsiders the entire evolution of his works and the philosophical and historical ways in which the question of God is presented. All the fundamental notions of substance, attributes, modes, power, cause, identity and the geometrical structure of Spinoza's work are examined. Philosophers, historians, philosophers of religion, historians of scientific thought and all interested in the figure of Spinoza will find this book an invaluable examination of the process of definition and transformation of the historical and metaphysical concept of God in Spinoza's thought within the context of his intellectual history. [Cf.]

Waarom het dan nog zo lang moet duren, voor het boek op de markt wordt gebracht is onduidelijk.
Een ding is wel verheugend: het komt ook als paperback in een betaalbare prijs [IBS €32,92; Lehmans  €37,70; Amazon €45,53; Taylor & Francis $49.95]

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